Don't Forget to Smell the Roses

It's true there is nothing quite like the smell of a freshly picked rose and reminiscing about being a Rose Princess! Those two things just go together that is if you were lucky enough to be among the chosen few.
Growing up in Pasadena it was a huge honor to be on the Rose Court. Thousands of girls from Pasadena and the surrounding areas would gather at the Tournament of Roses house ( the old Wrigley Mansion) to try out. The selection process would start off with 1000 girls, then cut to 250, 75, 25 and then to the final 7 girls. Looking back I wonder how on earth I made it, but what a honor it was to be on the "Rose Court". We had a whirlwind of excitement that started in December with over 85 appearances meeting celebrities and having the time of our lives preparing us for our big debut on the Rose Float that would travel down Colorado Blvd. and be seen world wide on TV. Actually, that year I was suppose to have walked in the parade with my drill team from Pasadena College but instead got to ride in style on a float full of fresh roses! Wow that was a day I will always remember.
So this year it will be fun to share the day with my little granddaughter and teach her how to do the Rose Princess wave, smell the roses and watch the parade.

Wishing you a very "Rosy" New Year!

Lynda & Erin

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