Rylynn and I have been going to the pool practically every day this summer. At first I was hesitant to bring her since previously she was not a fan of the pool...AT ALL. She would maybe on a good day last for 10 min! Well, have I found the trick (or rather my friend Jana) - swim trainer floaties! YES - the COOL small rubber tube that you inflate with a bicycle pump and the floaty goes up and over their head/shoulders and they wear it like a tank top with inner tube attached - pictures to come :) Rylynn mastered this tube the first day - you have to be balanced and able to kick your feet under the water and maneuver by yourself. She is obviously very independent and did not want mommy's help. Today she went around in circles and kicked her feet to follow me. I tell you - this is the greatest kiddo toy out there. Our average pool time now is 2+ hours with this floaty! So thank you Jana for buying this for us! - Our summer would be hot without it!
OH and you can buy these at http://www.lesliespool.com/browse/Home/Recreation-Lifestyle/Learn-to-Swim/D/30000/P/1:100:9000:900040
ENJOY! You will love your summer that much more!