BURP will be releasing a new baby doll for the holiday season in the next week! These babies are unique in that each one is hand made and designed especially with your child's look in mind. You can choose the hair color, body color and eye color. Each baby comes with his or her own baby bib, diaper and lovey ALL IN ORGANIC BAMBOO VELOUR! That's right, these babies are not only adorable and squeezable but ORGANIC too! They are made out of the organic bamboo velour - these are ONE OF A KIND for sure! Rylynn LOVES hers and will not go anywhere without it! Check out these cute pictures! You can also PRE-ORDER yours today - email me at erin@babyurprecious.com for more details!
Baby U R Precious is all about going green and making our products not only eco-friendly to the environment but to your little one who is most precious to you!